Project News Read the official news of the game and always be in the center of events.

Benefit payments for energy system builders are coming soon!

The Clone World Commissioner notifies that the game servers are fully prepared to begin paying out benefits to power system builders. 💡

Already tomorrow, at the checkout time, the lucky ones who have completed the construction will start receiving income. I wonder what the size of the payments will be... Share your predictions in the comments!

Don't miss your chance to be among the first and get your well-deserved bonuses! 🚀🚀🚀

Salt development (Enclave server)

Dear players! Geologists have conducted exploration and found salt mining sites. The quarries will be open for construction at 17:00 GMT today.

Clay production (Metropolia server)

Geologists have carried out exploration and found  areas for clay mining. The quarries will become available for construction at 17:00 GMT today.

Limestone production (Metropolis server)

Geologists have carried out exploration and found areas for limestone mining. The quarries will become available for construction at 17:00 GMT today.

The surprisingly strange cost of AMERO

💥 After the integration of the AMERO memcoin in the virtual world, our analysts predict the price will stabilize at $0.00005 within a week. Then we will wait for this psychological barrier to break through! 🚀📈

However, let's look at the price of AMERO on the game's trading platform. Do you think it's normal, too high or too low? Leave your comments in the news feed of the telegram channel. 

AMERO is already in the game

Dear players!

We are pleased to announce that the AMERO memecoin is now officially integrated with the GoldenClone virtual world! 🎮🌐

This event opens a unique opportunity for all builders to create an architectural structure called "Power System" - a vital element for the sustainable development of the GoldenClone world.

Now each of you can take part in the construction of these energy structures for Administrative units tab "Structures", for Principalities tab "Architectural Wonders" - "Energy System". Join the construction projects and become part of a large-scale architectural revolution! 

We will also closely monitor the AMERO rate and its impact on the GoldenClone world economy. Join the project and stay tuned!

Gem Mines (Metropolis Server)

Geologists have discovered new gemstone deposits and are finishing mapping the locations and transmitting the information to the State Chancellery. The Chancellery is scheduled to begin the survey at 19:00 GMT today. putting plots up for auction.

River plot (3000 allotments) - interval of display every hour for 6 gold mines. 

Large river mine (2000 allotments) - interval of displaying 4 mines every hour.

Plot in a quarry (1000 plots) - interval of displaying every hour for 2 mines.

Large open pit mine (1000 plots) - interval of displaying 2 mines every hour.

Small mine workings (1500 allotments) - interval of setting up every hour for 3 mines.

Large mine workings (1000 allotments) - interval of setting up every hour for 2 mines.

We wish you success in gem mining!

Sand Quarry (Metropolis Server)

Dear residents of the virtual world! Geologists have conducted exploration and found a site for sand mining operationsThe quarry will be open for construction at 17:00 GMT today.

Issue of securities (Metropolia server)

Dear residents of the Earth of Clones! 

Today at 17:00 GMT, the issue of securities will begin:

Meat factory securities: 10,000 pcs.

New architectural structure - "Energy system"

Dear players!

A new architectural structure is expected to appear — the "Energy System" in the form of a huge pyramid. This architectural wonder can be erected in administrative units and principalities. The estimated cost of construction is 20 million AMERO for a principality (giant version) and 2 million AMERO for AE (mini version). Each builder involved in the construction will be able to install 1 thousand AMERO parts per work shift.

The constructed "Energy System" reduces the ripening speed of the harvest by 5% in administrative units and by 10% in the principality (applies to all administrative units of the principality). If the miracle is built both in the principality and in the administrative unit, the ripening speed is reduced by 15%. The state allocates two funds for architectural structures - one for those built in principalities, the other for those built in administrative units. It is expected that the daily payment fund will be significant. The structure is very reliable and resistant to any natural anomalies, and therefore repair work is not expected in the coming years. Additions are possible.

Issue of securities (Enclave server)

Dear residents of the Earth of Clones! 

Today at 17:00 GMT, the issue of securities will begin:

Meat factory securities: 10,000 pcs.

Amero Memcoin Utility Functions

Dear players!

In the nearest future we are planning unique utility functions of the AMERO memcoin in the "Golden Clone" project. Work on the implementation of the corresponding functionality is already underway. It is expected that AMERO will be in high demand, and its use will have a positive effect on the profitability of each game account. We also predict that the innovations will have a significant impact on the exchange value of the token!

Don't miss your chance to earn money!