Project News Read the official news of the game and always be in the center of events.

New World Order

General Webman, in his formal uniform, stood on a high platform overlooking the bustling streets of the Enclave. His gaze, steady and penetrating, slid over the crowd gathered in the square. Today he was preparing to announce a new order that would change the lives of every citizen.

- Citizens of the Enclave! - his voice, loud and commanding, echoed across the square, - In the coming days, I will introduce a new system of statuses. These are not just titles, this is your role, your place in our society, a new world order! If this system is successfully implemented in the Enclave - which I do not doubt for a second - then I will soon implement it in the lands of the Metropolis.

On the large screen behind him, words appeared, replacing each other: "nobleman", "chancellor", "duke", "king"... Each status was not just a word, but a calling, determining the fate and path of the clone on the Enclave.

The crowd froze, peering at the new statuses. Some nodded, some whispered, discussing what this meant for them. Webman knew that this was only the beginning. The new system was supposed to unite the clones, give each a new goal and meaning.

"Your status is your path," he concluded. "Follow it with honor."

Applause, mixed with cries of approval and questions, came from the square. General Webman, with a slight nod, turned around and disappeared into his chambers, leaving behind only the light noise of the wind. A new era was beginning...

Official start of the discount marathon in honor of the birthday of the "Golden Clone"

Dear players!

Our beloved game will soon be 18 years old! In anticipation of the birthday of the "Golden Clone", which we will celebrate on April 13, a marathon of discounts and pleasant surprises will start. 

Stay in touch, we will delight you with great news throughout the month!

An incident in the chicken coop, or the chicken also wants to live!

Rumors of a serious chicken shortage that could lead to a famine among the dragons were spreading across the clone world. As is known, these ancient reptiles are very unpredictable, and an insufficient diet could make them furious. In order to avoid fatal consequences due to a lack of chicken meat, the Clone World Commissioner called an urgent meeting, which was attended by all the key specialists of the State Farm of the Clone Lands. They were tasked with increasing chicken production in the shortest possible time.

A couple of months later, Chief Poultry Farmer Farmer Bob read his report to General Webman and the Clone World Commissioner, in which he spoke about a new type of chicken that had a more stable immunity, due to which they were less likely to get sick and live longer. The innate qualities of these chickens also allowed them to fall into the clutches of thieves less often. New chickens have already been delivered to all cloners' chicken coops, and accordingly, from tomorrow, the chances of negative events in all chicken coops have been reduced:

- Death from old age 2.5% (was 5%
); - Theft 2.5% (was 5%);
- Death from disease 15% (was 30%);
- Death from disease when feeding flax 5% (was 10%).

* The probability calculation is given for a flock of 20 chickens.

This measure is intended to support the game's poultry farmers, and is expected to be in effect for a long period of time. Any changes will be announced additionally.

🎉 Great day in the world of clones! 🎉 (server "Metropolis")

 🏰 Today, a grand construction was completed in  the "Starry Sky" empire - the Great Engine "Pulsar" is finally ready! 🚀 

⏳ One year of work, strategies and persistence – and here it is, the result!

🥇 Emperor  Fadhome  was the second to complete the construction and deservedly received a reward from the virtual world - 5,000 gold coins! 💰🎖

💼 Cash collectors are already on their way to his gold vault! 🔥

Congratulations on your greatest achievement! Let this day go down in the history of the clone world! 🚀🏆🎊

Saltpeter mines for $AMERO

The Chief Ranger has carried out preparatory work together with the Manager of the Mine Auction and reports that he is transferring the right to develop small saltpeter deposits remaining in his forest lands. This right to development is formalized in the form of saltpeter mines. Each mine gives the right to extract 120 units of this resource. When developing 1 mine, the clone spends 6 stamina daily, according to the standard rules for developing mines. At the same time, the Ranger reminds that his main task is to care for the flora and fauna of the forest lands entrusted to him, so saltpeter mines will appear at the auction in strict accordance with the environmental standards of his department. The starting price and step will be 1 AMERO.

Development of saltpeter (Metropolia server)

Dear residents of the virtual world! Geologists have conducted exploration and found a site for the extraction of saltpeter. The quarry will become available for construction at 17:00 GMT today.

A pleasant surprise from General Webman

General Webman was awakened by morning shouts from the square. A huge crowd had gathered near the commander's palace and were chanting various slogans:

- Down with Webman!
- Down with democracy!
- Down with tools with a 30-year shelf life!
- Bring to the gun shop sabres that will serve for decades!

The disheveled general did not understand what was happening. Only yesterday he had improved the lives of his subjects and brought high-quality tools to the shop, but the people were still unhappy. Webman ordered an urgent investigation to find out the reasons for the citizens' discontent. The

chancellery reported to the general that the new tool was not twice as strong as the old one (as planned), but 100 times! The indignant tool sellers rebelled that they would lose profits. The resource manufacturers panicked that the prices for their products would fall to historical lows. The owners of gun shops demanded the same steel for the manufacture of their goods.

General Webman came out to the square with a statement:

- My subjects, do not panic! This is a one-time generosity event dedicated to the bright spring holiday. Starting tomorrow, the durability of your tool will be spent according to the planned changes. For 0.5 resources that the clone sent to the owner of AE for ransom, 50 units of tool durability will be written off from it. All tools that have a residual durability of 49 will also be able to work a shift and get 0.5 resources for their employers.

Taking advantage of the general meeting of residents, Webman also conveyed his heartfelt congratulations on the holiday of spring, beauty and femininity:

- Sweetest ladies! Ladies of my heart! Happy March 8th! May your day be light as a spring breeze and bright as the morning sun. You are our pride and inspiration! Stay as beautiful, smart and irreplaceable. 💖 Happy holiday!

The crowd slowly dispersed to the inns and pubs to celebrate the appearance of the spring sun and the general's new wise decisions.

General Webman's Amero Trade Monopoly in the Trade Guild

General Webman, seasoned in six months of battles and sieges of principalities, stood at the pinnacle of his power. His treasury was bursting with ringing Amero, the currency that had conquered the world of clones. Each coin had been minted in the flames of war, each paid for with blood and sweat. And now, deciding that the time had come to reap the fruits of his labor, Webman declared: "Amero is my coin! No one dares sell it until I empty my treasury to the bottom!"

His voice boomed like thunder, and his gaze was cold as steel. But in the land of clones, where every step is a struggle for survival, the inhabitants are not used to giving up. They knew that Amero is not just a coin, but the key to freedom, to power, to life. And they were not going to pay Webman his inflated price.

In the dark alleys of the cities, in the remote villages, where even the light of the sun seemed alien, rumors were already whispering. “Why pay Webman when you can get the Amero another way?” some asked. “He thinks he controls everything, but he is wrong. We are not slaves to his monopoly,” others answered. People tired of his tyranny were preparing to fight back. They knew: the Amero is not just a coin. It is a symbol of freedom. And they will not let Webman take it from them!

General Webman has issued a temporary ban on the sale of Amero in the Trade Guild. In the near future, only he will have the right to sell this coin, and the price will be determined solely at his discretion.

The tyrant was wrong in only one thing: he underestimated those he considered his subjects. But in a world where every clone is a fighter, and every step is a battle, even the most powerful can fall. And someday, perhaps very soon, his treasury will be empty not because he sells all the coins, but because the clone world has long since found another way to get Amero on external crypto platforms!

Quality tool for private enterprises

General Webman was spotted during another inspection in the vastness of the clone world. A tour of various private enterprises showed that all clones were working according to safety standards, and there was nothing to worry about. Pleased with the work done, the general was already returning to his palace, but on the way he noticed something odd. A huge dump of work tools - picks, scythes, planes and sledgehammers - alarmed Webman. Captain Pendal slowly approached the dump and threw out another scythe.

- Old Pendal, what happened?! Why do we have such a huge dump of work tools? Is this some kind of strike, and the workers are deliberately ruining their tools so as not to work? Come on, bring me Hesk here, I'll give him a thousand lashes, this is probably his idea! - the general shouted, spitting with anger.
- Oddly enough, this slacker has nothing to do with it. He's working off his portion of bacon from the year before last. It's all about the quality of the tools for private enterprises. The steel is soft, the wooden handles are dry and break. I recently calculated how much I spend on tools, and even thought about closing this shop and firing all the workers. I take a scythe for 1.4 zlotys! I sell grain for 1.5 zlotys. How can I live on this 0.1% profit? - The captain answered with annoyance in his eyes.
- What a disgrace! Today I will send a messenger to the factory producing working tools to conduct an audit of the materials and significantly improve the quality of working tools for private enterprises! - Webman said and disappeared over the horizon.

An audit of the factory producing tools for private enterprises revealed a number of serious violations: instead of alloyed carbon steel, cheap overseas low-carbon steel was used. Linden was used to make the handles instead of high-quality oak. All this fake production was set up with the help of the godfather, matchmaker and brother of the well-known villain Hesk - the head of the tool production workshop, foreman SKINBALL. The villain has already been delivered to serve his sentence in a state prison, and the prisoner Hesk received an additional 4 life sentences!

After such a resonant investigation, the chancery made a decision to improve the tool for private enterprises:

- Higher quality tools for work at private enterprises (scythe, sledgehammer, plane and pick) with a durability of 11,000 units were received by the tool shop.
- All current tools for private enterprises, which are with clones, were replaced, and their durability increased by 100 times.
- The consumption of tool durability at private enterprises is now directly proportional to the amount of resource mined by the worker (write-off of 100 units of durability for 1 unit of mined resource).
- The price of the new high-quality tool remains unchanged.

Webman continues reforms in resource production, democracy is approaching!

Issue of securities (Metropolia server)

Dear residents of the Earth of Clones! 

Today at 17:00 GMT the issue of securities began:

Meat Factory Securities: 10,000 pcs. (Auction trading for State Farm Coupons).

Sand Quarry (Metropolis Server)

Dear residents of the virtual world! Geologists have conducted exploration and found a site for sand mining operationsThe quarry will be open for construction at 17:00 GMT today.

Abolition of the system of layoffs of vacancies in private enterprises

General Webman went out into the vastness of the clone world to find out a little about how life goes among the population. Near one village he saw Captain Pendal leading the prisoner Hesk from the mill.

- Captain, what happened? Are your grain reserves so full that you have to fire workers? Or has this slacker decided to go on strike? - the general asked.

- Oh, if only that were so, esteemed Webman! I didn’t keep an eye on my workers’ trough and some of them weren’t able to taste bacon and milk. This unfortunate incident led to these slackers not fulfilling their work quota and the number of jobs at the mill was reduced. Now for the second day already I’ve been leading my slaves, and placing them in one village or another, as new jobs open up, - grumbled a dissatisfied Pendal through clenched teeth.

- Oh, it’s not right for embezzlers like this Hesk to sit around doing nothing and chilling out without work. I know how to help you with this matter! - the general croaked and went to the chancery to sign a new decree.

The chancery approved the decision to abolish the system of layoffs at private enterprises of both game servers. From now on, positions at private enterprises are not subject to layoffs! In the event of the dismissal of clones, their owner can at any time hire workers back in full, taking care to eliminate the reason for the dismissal.

Also on the Metropolis server, the restriction is abolished, according to which a maximum of 10 workers could be hired at a newly created enterprise on the first day after construction. Now the number of workers that can be hired at an enterprise depends only on the level of improvements made.

In the foreseeable future, General Webman's chancellors have planned a number of other positive changes in the private enterprise block and, of course, a vote on the volumes of the extracted resource. Be a little patient, bright times are coming!

Sulfur Mining (Enclave Server)

Dear residents of the virtual world! Geologists have conducted exploration and found a site for sulphur mining. The quarry will be open for construction at 18:00 GMT today.

Just a few days! Discounts on social statuses

Dear players! 

The promotion starts on 01.03.2025 00:00 GMT and will last until 08.03.2025 23:59:59 GMT. During this time, differentiated discounts (from 5 to 29%) will be available on the clone land depending on the status being upgraded, the server, and whether the player is managing a new or old account. A new account is an account that is no more than 365 days old.

You can see the size of the discounts in the following table:

Affiliate payments for status upgrades for this period of time will be reduced in proportion to the discount applied for each discount category.

Hurry to take part! Saved means earned.