Rubric "Motivators": You know, there will still be!
It is human nature to dream. Dreams are like children, they grow together with their parents, get stronger, develop. And then they leave: some go nowhere, others go to the next generation. But the happiest - those whose dreams come true, gain independence in the form of success, material wealth, knowledge, etc.
I have a dream - to become an emperor, to live on my own land - the Empire. And that the subjects were happy and rich. Is this not enough?

But what a lot to do! This is work, sometimes exhausting, monotonous, for someone, perhaps even hard labor.
And I want it to be light, joyful, in pleasure! And the inner voice says: "Come on! Set yourself up! You can do it!!!"
And then you sit down, open Excel, turn on your head ... And after chaotic throwing around the game world, you find your own path, unlike anyone else, but leading to the goal. And the goal does not stand still - bustles, slips away! And it is necessary to reach it, to catch up ... Otherwise, why all these unrest, trips to the "meat", worries about the safety of the treasury, waiting when the order on the stock exchange will work? Looking for a job with a good rent, suffering in the basements and the joy of getting a position to which it has been "growing" for a long time?

— Go-and-and!
- I'm going - u - u!
And I know that I will reach, and I will have everything! Dream! Create! Take action! This is YOUR time!\\
Author: skrapersha , Editor: DarkSilver